Removing The Cast

Removing The Cast

I’ve been working a lot lately with themes related to loss, grief, and letting go. Grief can be about so many things – grief related to the loss of a relationship, grief over a major life change, grief related to global politics and policies, and so on. There can be so many ways we experience grief. And really every time we let go of something, there is grief.  But sometimes we don’t want to let things go, even when the…

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One of the things I love most about being a therapist is being able to look at people, situations, families, and societal systems as being complex and nuanced. As I’ve said in a previous post, we generally want to stay away from extremes or viewing things as a binary; good or bad. That said, I heard a statement recently said by a very wise therapist and it really stuck with me and I think it further illustrates how we can…

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Whose Fault Is It?

Whose Fault Is It?

When relationships end, whether it be a romantic relationship, friendship, professional relationship, or various other types of relationships we engage in throughout our lives, “Who ended it?” seems to be a common question that gets asked. I’ve noticed recently though that the more common question, often not said aloud but fixated on internally is, “Whose fault was it?” What I believe we’re asking here is who was right and who was wrong, who is good and who is bad. We…

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The work is on the mat

The work is on the mat

A couple of months ago I started attending a local yoga studio that’s near my work and many things I do. I had been working myself up to attending a class there for awhile since it’s been years since I’ve done public yoga classes with any sort of regularity. This has been in part because of physical ailments I deal with and in part because of Covid, which interrupted my in person yoga teacher training a few years ago. I…

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What Don’t You Want To Feel?

What Don’t You Want To Feel?

Have you been scrolling on your phone a lot lately? Biting your nails? Shaking your leg fervently while you’re sitting down? Drinking and extra glass of wine at the end of the day? Watching a cute animal video, or 2, or 50….no, just me?  Something I have noticed in discussions with friends, clients, and within my own experience lately, is that we often say we want and need more alone time and space, but then when we actually have those…

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Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy

As a therapist I am always looking for the right balance of how to communicate my support and care for my clients while also not wanting to be overly reassuring. I have come to learn that it is in fact not really kind, and it is certainly not effective, to do people’s work for them. When we are too quick to give someone solutions and reassurance, we can inadvertently deprive them of the real work and healing that needs to…

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Yesterday I was meeting with a therapist with whom I do clinical consultation. As we were talking, one of the topics that arose involved questions – the importance of asking questions, the content of the questions, the meaning of the questions…so many questions! This therapist is very wise and she said something that really struck me. She said, “Competence is not in the answer, it is in the question. Knowing the question to ask determines the process we engage in.” …

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I fell, so I made it part of my dance

I fell, so I made it part of my dance

Last night my daughter was dancing around the house after coming home from her dance class. She was leaping and joyfully twirling in her black leotard and lavender tights, when suddenly she slipped and quickly tumbled to the ground. I thought there may be tears that accompanied the sudden, unexpected fall onto our hardwood floors. Instead, without skipping a beat, she began spinning and moving her arms and legs expressively while still on the floor. “Are you ok?” I asked…

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Are you attached?

Are you attached?

I recently did a ropes course with my husband. It was amazing to be up in the trees in nature and to be in touch with the adventurous, playful parts of my personality. One of the most important aspects of participating in a ropes course is safety. Something that really struck me during the experience was how at each station there was a sign that read “Are you attached?” at the entrance. What this sign was referring to was that…

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I love you more than almond milk

I love you more than almond milk

The other day I went into the refrigerator to grab ingredients to make a smoothie. As I moved aside various items doing a very familiar refrigerator shuffle to find what I needed, I couldn’t find what I was looking for – almond milk. The ingredient I needed to make my smoothie.  I was confused. The last I checked a few days prior, we definitely had a good amount of almond milk left. I asked my husband what happened and he…

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